Chapter 222 The Sealing Array Ii : Council Of Ligh

If you are looking for Chapter 222 The Sealing Array Ii : Council Of Ligh you are coming to the right place. is a Webnovel created by . This lightnovel is currently . LOCATION: UNKNOWN CHARACTER(S): UNKNOWN "Have ye begun to send troops into the mountains, there's been civil unrest and fear within all of the nations." "Please don't sound so nice, we all know there's no unrest within the dwarven mountains and caves, and you people don't actually give a d.a.m.n what happens to the rest of the world." "Well the same thing could be said about ye elves, yer all a bunch of uptight priests who think they're better and above everyone. We dwarves may not show so much attention to how this council runs things, but we loyal to our allies and our cause." "and what! Pray tell is our cause. The dwarves and elves bicker like children, while the real perpetrators of this calamity, the humans remain silent! What would you have us do now that your 'slaves' have broken free of their chains." "listen here celestial, you don't have to sound so self righteous. Your people were at the forefront during the vampire war, you and your fallen brothers were quite effective seeing as the vampires were practically poisoned by your presence. What gives you the right to put blame on the humans!" "because you humans are monsters a million times worse than vampires! Genocide! Total destruction! Wiping out that entire race would have been a mercy compared to what you put them through. And now they've broken free, led by a former human who became a vampire by choice. On your own self centered, selfish, greedy and manipulative decisions, you imprisoned them for hundreds of thousands of years, and now they've broken free. The last time such a thing happen, you guys were left with only a quarter of your population, and you were not even in the front lines. My people became fractured, many of them died to the point that its taken us 600 thousand years to have enough numbers to fill a single city! And you tell me not to blame you. There were two options during the first war! Wipe them out, or leave the remnants alone to lick their wounds and learn to be real members of this planet. But you imprisoned them for 600 years, took away their rights, and generation after generation you built power around the propaganda that vampires were evil, and a scourge on Shearath. That you were protecting the rest of the world from them, meanwhile the mined away their prized mineral mountain, slaving away at the edge of their own lands, prisoners for you glory. And with what you gained from them, you waged war on other planets, built colonies and still continue to wantonly destroy life in the universe. If Kael Cor had not done what he did, then it would have been only a matter of time before someone else did." "Kael Cor is a traitor! The humans renounce him!" "Not according to yer laws he's not. My dwarven ears have heard that yer people can not touch his money, and too make matters worse, yer almost at the brink of civil war because many people support this Kael Cor and hopes for his release from the pit of doom ye sent him to. Whether or not he's a vampire."

"The dwarf is right, as distasteful as it is for me to say so." "Aww is the pretty elven la.s.s in love with me beard." "Shut up! You smelly mountain brute! Your presence annoys me. As I was saying, we all know when they were first imprisoned, we all agreed to it, even the celestials. This way it would give us time to recover from our losses and strengthen our defenses. And we gave you humans the keystone powering the spell which holds the mountain range of Noxis Nyx together. But we never intended for that place to remain a prison for such a long time. You tricked us, and began gaining benefits from them. And doing so denied growth to a race that's just as ancient as Shearath itself. The bottom line is, there must not be a second war. You might be powerful enough to survive, giving how numerous you humans are, but we elves, the dwarves and celestial would rather make peace and look forward to an era of prosperity. We can come to a truce with the vampires, for all our sakes." "I agree." "By Odin's beard I'm on board the pointy ears here. Must have left me brain back in me cave." "Are you serious right now! This are vampires we're talking about, angry, hungry vampires who're coming for revenge for the thousands of years of captivity we imposed on them! And you're just going to go up and shake their hands, hoping they wouldn't tear your necks out. You all can't be that stupid!" "We're not stupid human. We elves have long memories, rather than you short lived humans who never learn from history. The mistakes we've made must not be remade, if the vampires and unwilling to corporate then we're quite willing to end them. You may be the most powerful race with your technological advancements, but the elves are still true warriors of Shearath, wiping out a race, even the human race that's now at is peak, would be as easy as breathing. You're not the only one that has grown in six hundred thousand years." "Well then, you all can suit yourselves. But the humans, will go and take care of this threat for you, just as we've always taken care of others. Shearath would have been invaded by foreign races from other planets and dimensions many times over if we did not serve as the first line of defense. If anything you all should serve and answer to my people, rather than us having this farce of a council. We....." "more than half the attacks you protect us from are always started by you people. And the remaining half is a result of a retaliation for all your attacks. If there's to be a war, just like all your previous, you can fight it yourself. The celestial will have no hand in this." "Neither will the elves." "The dwarves will not fight either, ye can bet ye grandmother's chest hair on that." "Very well then. Good! Nice! Fine! We're going to fight this war ourselves. The humans, dwarves, celestials and elves fought this war together, and now you're breaking the bonds we've made over the years by your sheer act of cowardice." "Oh wait! You're forgetting something. There used to be seven races on the council, you went to war with one, almost wiped them out too. Your atrocities against the giants chased the fairies and merpeople away. Bring our original seven down to four. Whatever comes next, you can face it yourself. The elves would look to our forests and our mountains, protecting them for whatever threat that might come. And I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say: you're on your own." "No problem then. But be warned, if any one of you get in our way, then we'll fight against you too. I'll take my leave." x.x.xx.x.xx.x.xx.x.xx.x.xX "Well now that the human is gone what are we going to do about them and their war." The celestial asked, unfurling his ma.s.sive golden wings in the process. "We can not stand against them openly. Contrary to my threats, a war with them would not end well for anyone of us, and it will leave us defenseless against our enemies. I'm afraid we have to sit this one out and do nothing." the elven woman said as she crossed her arms over each other. "Well, me thinks let the humans and vampires fight, it will weaken both and keep things in a balance." The dwarf spoke up, combining his beard with his fingers. "You mean they'll get weaker so that you'll get stronger. I know how you dwarves think, you're like hyenas. But either way, all our hands are tied, if an opportunity arises to have an alliance with the vampires, I'll take it. It's time we all realized that both the light and the darkness do not divide Shearath, they're all a part of our home, of our planet. It is natural and it is balance, there a bigger wars to fight beyond our atmosphere. Good day." "The celestial is right dwarf. We all have to do right thing. The children of light can not be all that different from the children of the light. After all, we were all born from the same ground. Good bye brute." "Aye, I guess them prissies are right. Ahhhh! where's me ale! It's gone! d.a.m.n you elf, and your roguish ways! d.a.m.n All of you! @#$&$-$+###%###$"

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