Chapter 1690 - Stab Me With Your Little Sword!

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Chapter 1690: Stab Me With Your Little Sword!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

HeavenG.o.d Time?!

The name made the whole city buzz. After all, it was taboo in the Chaos s.p.a.ce, let alone in the city under HeavenG.o.d Transmigration.

Ever since HeavenG.o.d Time’s return, the atmosphere in the Chaos s.p.a.ce had been a little weird. Now, everyone knew that he was going to settle scores with HeavenG.o.d Transmigration.

Er Ha’s body was very weak, but that was nothing compared with the wound in his heart. However, it was quickly recovered. He did not care. Although the time they spent together was short, what happened was no doubt a baptism for his soul.

A spicy strip dangled from the corner of his mouth, trembling.

In any case, he did not suffer any loss. Was he betrayed? No! He was the one who gave another man a green hat! The girl was this ancient HeavenG.o.d’s wife before they met. He just hated the fact that he became so crazy for her.

Er Ha lifted a hand and covered half of his face with it. He was observing a moment of silence for his lost love.

“What are you doing? Let’s go now…” Lord Dog glanced over his shoulder at Er Ha and rolled his eyes. If it were not for the fact that he sensed Er Ha was in danger, he would not have wasted his time to save him.

After forcing back the ancient HeavenG.o.d with a slap, Lord Dog lifted a paw. The Law of Time poured out and enveloped Er Ha, and they were ready to leave.

Suddenly, Lord Dog’s expression changed. He found that the void in the city had been sealed completely. He could not leave with Er Ha!


A terrifying aura rose into the sky from the Temple of HeavenG.o.d Transmigration, which was located at the center of the city. As it came to the vault of heaven, the aura filled the air with a rumbling sound and sealed the void in an instant.

“My ten guardians… This dog’s foundation is unstable now, and his injury has not recovered. I want you all to capture him for me!” A cold voice rang out from the temple.

The next moment, the void began to tremble. Nine figures soared into the sky and sped through the air, while the mighty power of Law spread and almost enveloped the entire sky.

Narrowing his eyes, Lord Dog picked up Er Ha and rushed out of the city. The lineup of ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds was too horrible, for every one of them was equivalent to a Saint of the Great Path.

These ancient HeavenG.o.ds were the mighty experts of the ancient clans that had submitted to HeavenG.o.d Transmigration. Each of them was the pillar of an ancient clan. Now that they were attacking at the same time, their power almost shook the entire Chaos s.p.a.ce.

Lord Dog did not fight them head-on. This was his enemy’s home court—he was not a fool to fight them here. HeavenG.o.d Transmigration had been quiet for years since he made his last move. Now, he finally struck out again. This was clearly a signal.


Er Ha was wrapped in the Law of Time by Lord Dog as they flew out of the city. The ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds were hard on their heels, including the one who had received a green hat from Er Ha.

The air and the void in the Chaos s.p.a.ce seemed to boil. The ground rumbled as all kinds of Laws became unusually active—every HeavenG.o.d was the master of the Laws.

Er Ha was coughing up blood. He was too weak. Caught between the clash of HeavenG.o.ds, he was instantly injured, and his body was almost blown apart by the energy. If Lord Dog had not helped him fend off most of the HeavenG.o.d aura, he would have turned into a mess in an instant.

A grave look came into Lord Dog’s eyes. If truth be told, he did not expect that he would be chased by ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds. If he were in his peak form, he would not be afraid of them. However, his foundation was unstable now, and he had not recovered his strength yet.

He could fend off three to four ancient HeavenG.o.ds, but ten… He was not strong enough to fend off ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds! He struggled with the pressure of being outnumbered. Although he was a modern-day HeavenG.o.d, he had just returned, so his strength was not much stronger than a top ancient HeavenG.o.d.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The power of the Laws kept shattering the void as the ancient HeavenG.o.ds attacked with serious faces.

“He is very weak now! Kill him!” bellowed one of them as thousands of Laws surged around him. The next moment, he pointed out a finger, which pierced the void in an instant.

Lord Dog turned around and threw out his paw, which rushed through the air and crushed the finger with a deafening rumble. The ancient HeavenG.o.d flew backward with a pale face, while the counterforce shook Lord Dog.

The slight delay caused by the exchange had allowed the other ancient HeavenG.o.ds to catch up with them…

Meanwhile, deep under the ground beneath the Temple of HeavenG.o.d Transmigration, the pool of blood was boiling. A strong smell of blood pervaded the air.

HeavenG.o.d Transmigration took a deep breath as streams of black energy swirled and surged around him. The next moment, he opened his eyes. His pupils were scarlet, looking evil. Then, he lifted a hand, which emanated an aura and ripped a hole in the void.

“The transplant is finally successful…” HeavenG.o.d Transmigration smiled, looking at his arm, which was covered with scales and strange patterns.

It was the arm of that supreme being who crushed the temples of the other HeavenG.o.ds. He had cut off his own arm and replaced it with the Soul Demon arm.

He was very excited. He could feel a mighty force engulf his mind in an instant, immersing him in the thrill of power. He lifted the thick, fierce-looking arm and lightly pointed it out. The heavy iron door in the distance shattered and turned into powder in a flash.

“What a power to immerse yourself in…” HeavenG.o.d Transmigration grinned as an intoxicated look came over his face.

The blood in the pool had dried up by then, revealing what was inside. At the bottom of the pool were piles of b.l.o.o.d.y HeavenG.o.d bones. It was an eerie sight.

When he came to the door, HeavenG.o.d Transmigration narrowed his eyes. His stomach rumbled, and he felt a hunger in his stomach, which made his whole body s.h.i.+ver.

“Dammit… This feeling…”

Ever since he became a HeavenG.o.d, he had never felt hungry. Why would such a strange feeling suddenly come back to him?

His stomach kept rumbling, and he could not control it. He squatted down, clutching his belly with both hands, his face full of pain and horror.

“I’m hungry… I’M SO HUNGRY!”

He struggled to his feet with the power of Sin flas.h.i.+ng in the depths of his eyes. Licking his lips with his tongue, he continued on his way.

He walked out of the temple, facing the vast city. The whole city seemed to be emitting a strong fragrance that smelled extremely delicious to him!

“I’m so hungry…”

The ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds had constructed an array. Their power of Law pulled at each other and turned into a strange force, which trapped Lord Dog in midair.

Lord Dog wrapped Er Ha with his Law of Time. The next moment, he transformed into a white humanoid figure. Fierce attacks kept falling inside the array, but he managed to destroy them all. Even so, the forces that came with them still made his aura fluctuate.

The ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds had put heavy pressure on Lord Dog.

“Lord Dog… I’m sorry for getting you into trouble…” Er Ha said sadly. Hovering in midair and wrapped in the Law of Time, his face grew gloomier as he sensed the hopeless situation around them.

He was a cheerful and optimistic man, but he began to doubt himself. He wondered if he could not do anything right, so much so that he got Lord Dog into such a dangerous situation.

“It’s not your fault… Even without you, HeavenG.o.d Transmigration would have been ready to go after me,” the figure Lord Dog had turned into said lightly. He was right. Er Ha was just a trigger point. HeavenG.o.d Transmigration had long wanted to go after him.


All kinds of Laws, such as the Law of Lightning, the Law of Light, and the Law of Nightmare, rained down on Lord Dog. The entire Chaos s.p.a.ce seemed to shake. However, no matter what Laws came to him, Lord Dog shattered all of them with his paw.

For a moment, the battle was stuck in a stalemate.

Yun Tianyi, who was cultivating in seclusion inside the Temple of HeavenG.o.d Time, received a message from Lord Dog. Her pupils constricted. Hurriedly, she informed the news to the experts of the ancient clans.

The experts outside the temple stirred, and they all moved out at the same time. The two ancient HeavenG.o.ds also stepped out of the temple, rose into the sky, and flew toward the city in the distance at top speed.

Yun Tianyi felt a little heavy inside. She knew that the battle was about to begin. However, she did not join them, as she was instructed by Lord Dog. She sat cross-legged down, facing the stone door.

“I must guard the place so that His Excellency behind the door can finish his cooking smoothly…”

HeavenG.o.d Transmigration was so hungry that his whole body was cramping. He had not felt that for a very long time. He walked somewhat blankly through the ancient streets of the city. The magnificent temple behind him made him look tiny and lonely.

The transplanted arm had turned into the arm of a normal man. However, once he unleashed its power, it would turn into an evil arm once again. He thought the hunger might be a side effect of the transplant.

HeavenG.o.d Transmigration shook his head. There was a struggling look on his face. The fragrance emanating from the city made his mouth water. He was shocked by the thought that filled his head…

A few G.o.d Kings saw him from a distance. They flew over immediately and knelt before him.

“Your Excellency! The rebels in the Temple of HeavenG.o.d Time have all moved out. Do we need to join the battle as well?”

They looked fervently at him. To them, he was the master of the Chaos s.p.a.ce, the G.o.d for all, and he would definitely lead them to the top!

Just when the G.o.d King was waiting for the HeavenG.o.d Transmigration’s order, he felt some sticky liquid fall on his head and trickled down his neck. That gave him pause, and he looked up, confused. Suddenly, his pupils constricted!

“No… NOOO!”

The ten ancient HeavenG.o.ds hovered in the sky. The array had turned into a huge disc and was pressing down.

Lord Dog threw out his paw to stop the array, but it weighed down on him and kept pus.h.i.+ng him toward the ground. A rumbling sound filled the air as the ground cracked and burst apart.

The Law of Time that wrapped Er Ha also became unstable. It trembled violently, then shattered. Er Ha’s whole body shook as he kept coughing up blood.

It seemed that Lord Dog could not hold back the attack for too long. The array had trapped them in the middle like a giant net.

“Suppress!” bellowed one of the ancient HeavenG.o.ds as the power of Law burst out of his eyes.

Lord Dog was immediately smashed to the ground and bound by the array, which kept shrinking.

“If I were in my peak form, I would have killed you all with a slap of my paw!” Lord Dog growled.

“Unfortunately, you are not in your peak form…” The good son of HeavenG.o.d Transmigration, the ancient HeavenG.o.d who had received a green hat from Er Ha, slowly walked out. He was holding a black sword, which had the power of the Law of Transmigration swirling around its blade.

The nine ancient HeavenG.o.ds controlled the array that had suppressed Lord Dog, while he walked step by step toward him.

“This is a sword bestowed to me by HeavenG.o.d Transmigration. It is called the Immortal-Slaughtering Sword. I will use it to cut off your head, destroy your Causality Throne, and send your soul into the Transmigration!” the ancient HeavenG.o.d said excitedly. It was an honor to be able to kill a modern-day HeavenG.o.d!

He raised the sword. The black blade seemed to absorb all the light around it and appeared to be as dark as pitch. Then, he brought it down with all his strength. He did not say anything else. He just wanted to cut Lord Dog in half!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Lord Dog. It was Er Ha, and his eyes became very determined!

“Die!” The ancient HeavenG.o.d hated Er Ha to the bone!

The sword fell, and Er Ha lifted both his arms to block it. A ripping sound rang out as the sharp blade sliced through him effortlessly!

Lord Dog was stunned, while the surrounding ancient HeavenG.o.ds all sneered. They had seen so much death that they had already gotten used to it.

Lord Dog gritted his teeth in anger and grief.

The ancient HeavenG.o.d laughed like a madman. Then, he lifted the sword again and thrust it toward Lord Dog!

Suddenly, another figure emerged in front of the sword. At some point, Er Ha, sliced in half, had recovered and came before Lord Dog, grabbing the black sword tightly with both hands!

“Come on! Hack me!” Er Ha’s eyes were filled with madness!

Lord Dog froze, and the surrounding ancient HeavenG.o.ds were struck dumb.

“Why is this idiot still alive?!” The HeavenG.o.d with a cheating wife growled and made a cut with the sword, hacking Er Ha in half once again.

This time, everyone watched closely, and they witnessed how Er Ha recovered with the Law of Life wriggling on his body…

When he was whole again, he ripped off his clothes, puffed out his chest, and yelled with a mad look on his face. “Come on! Don’t stop! Hack me again! Stab me with that little sword of yours!”

That made the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s hand tremble. “Stab… Stab my a.s.s! What kind of monster is this guy?!”

For a moment, Lord Dog was in a daze. Then, his eyes darted from side to side before flickering with surprise.

‘This shameless nature and fearsome vitality… Could it be… Could Er Ha be… HeavenG.o.d Life who had fallen into the Transmigration?!’

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