Chapter 105 To Pick A Quarrel

If you are looking for Chapter 105 To Pick A Quarrel you are coming to the right place. is a Webnovel created by . This lightnovel is currently .

[Public Chat] Onlooker 1: I've heard that there's something between the first lady of the League of Strong Families and the G.o.d-like Shallow Sleep.

[Public Chat] Onlooker 2: Does she really have an affair with Landscape Painter? I'm very afraid of thinking about this carefully~

[Public Chat] Onlooker 3: What a mess!

Zheng Xiaoguang could not help but sigh inwardly, "Sigh, I remember that I haven't offended this Motherf.u.c.ker before. Why does he keep causing me troubles? Why did he hara.s.s me when I was gaining levels and attack me during my wedding?"

In the meantime, Bluegreen-Clad jumped off the one-horned flying horse, forced the husband-and-wife mode① on Flowing Light and came at Motherf.u.c.ker.

Motherf.u.c.ker was no match for Bluegreen-Clad, and he's performance was particularly bad today. Within less than one minute, he got slain by Bluegreen-Clad.

Game Message: Player Motherf.u.c.ker failed in his s.n.a.t.c.hing attempt at Bluegreen-Clad and Flowing Light's wedding. Welcome to go on challenging!

[Public Chat] Bluegreen-Clad: I offer a reward for seizing Motherf.u.c.ker.

[Public Chat] Motherf.u.c.ker: The gang boss of the League of Strong Families really adores the b.i.t.c.hy Flowing Light and enjoys wearing a green hat!

[Public Chat] Blooming Pear Tree: Shut your G.o.d-d.a.m.n mouth and f.u.c.k off, Motherf.u.c.ker.

[Public Chat] Motherf.u.c.ker: What? You allow your sister to do those b.i.t.c.hy things and don't allow me to talk about them. She has affairs with Shallow Sleep and Landscape Painter and has slept with so many guys. How can she still pretend to be innocent?

Upon seeing that, the gossipers were thrilled, and the gossips were getting increasingly outrageous.

[Public Chat] An onlooker: Wow, three men and a girl. They really go too far.

[Public Chat] Slightly Defected Moon: What're you drivelling about? You jerk have hara.s.sed and slandered almost all the girls on Watery South. I taught you a lesson last time. Do you forget about it? Why do you come out to disgust us again?

Different from the reply from Blooming Pear Tree, Slightly Defected Moon's words quickly found an echo with the players. All the female players who had been bullied by Motherf.u.c.ker came forward and echoed her view.

Smily Beauty: I usually believe any gossip except for the one from Motherf.u.c.ker. I don't believe even the punctuation marks in his messages.

Bloom of Youth: Don't pay any attention to this big pervert. Motherf.u.c.ker is a disgusting piece of s.h.i.t, and he keeps hara.s.sing girls.

Small Fish Eats Small Shrimp: Go the eat s.h.i.t, Motherf.u.c.ker. You jerk bully girls every day on this server. What a sc.u.mbag! Get out of Watery South!

Soda Cookies: Why does the Sacred Temple accept someone like you? You even slander our elder, the G.o.d-like Shallow Sleep. I protest. Our G.o.d-like Shallow Sleep is innocent.

Laurie: Let's boycott Motherf.u.c.ker.

Motherf.u.c.ker sparked public outrage.

Motherf.u.c.ker: Slightly Defected Moon, you're a pervert guy who uses a female account. Aren't you embarra.s.sed to call me a pervert?

Slightly Defected Moon: Do you dare to engage me in a PK? Why do you keep hiding in the safe zone?

Upon seeing that message, players began to laugh at Motherf.u.c.ker on the Public Chat channel, calling him a coward. Despite that, Motherf.u.c.ker still refused to come out of the safe zone.

[Public Chat] Sacred TempleメCloud Top: On behalf of the Sacred Temple, I expel Motherf.u.c.ker from the gang. Any act of Motherf.u.c.ker has nothing to do with the Sacred Temple!

[Public Chat] Shallow Sleep: Any gang that dares to accept Motherf.u.c.ker is my enemy and has to take the responsibility for its deeds!

Upon seeing that, Zheng Xiaoguang thought in surprise, "Well, it looks like that the Sacred Temple also gets fed up with Motherf.u.c.ker, but he has only himself to blame.

"To be honest, I really don't understand why he did this. He's a nasty, disgusting guy, but he was only interested in hara.s.sing single girls in the past. Why did he suddenly dare to offend the League of Strong Families, the Matchless and even his own gang, the Sacred Temple?

"Since being set up by Venus, Shallow Sleep has always kept a distance from me. Our gangs are enemies, and we never let each other off during a gang war. How can Motherf.u.c.ker slander us?"

[Public Chat] Bluegreen-Clad: The wedding ceremony will continue. After the sedan parade, we'll leave the main city of the Celestial Dynasty for a travel around the world map.

Upon receiving the parade invitation again, Zheng Xiaoguang clicked yes and thus the parade continued. The farce that had happened just now did not seem to affect the parade very much. There were still many players watching the parade in the temple of the matchmaking G.o.d.

After the sedan parade, Bluegreen-Clad invited Flowing Light to ride the colorful divine bird together with him. The bird was a flying mount for a couple. They mounted it and set off from the main city of the Celestial Dynasty.

Compared to the white phoenix that Bluegreen-Clad had sent to her, this colorful divine bird looked even more dazzling. Wherever it flew, its golden light would light up its surroundings. The light would quickly transform into paper cranes and fall to the ground after hovering for a moment in the sky.

[Public Chat] Thump-thump-thump: Wow, here are the luxurious paper crane gift bags. Come to the main city and pick them up!

"Are they special props for a luxurious wedding?" Zheng Xiaoguang asked on YY.

As this wedding package was very expensive, this was the first time that someone had held such a wedding on Watery South.

"Well, they can't be regarded as special props. These paper cranes are similar to red envelopes. By opening a paper crane, a player can randomly acquire a positive state, which may refill his or her blood or increase his or her offensive or defensive force. We don't need to pick them up. We have a set of paper cranes in our package," replied Bluegreen-Clad.

"Wow, it's really a luxurious wedding. Tut-tue, you really have money to burn," said Zheng Xiaoguang.

"It's said that this colorful divine bird will be officially launched on National Day next month. As for how to obtain the mount, the game operator hasn't disclosed any details yet."

Zheng Xiaoguang glared and said, "Well, the game operator is going to swindle money from players again."

"This colorful divine bird is very popular, and many players want one. The game operator just responds to the need of the public. How can you accuse it of swindling money?" said Bluegreen-Clad. "Do you like it?"

Zheng Xiaoguang thought that he was going to buy one for her and hurriedly refused, "A white phoenix is good enough for me."

"Silly girl." Bluegreen-Clad raised his eyebrows and asked again, "Do you like this wedding?"

"I like it. I didn't attend my own wedding last time. I finally get what I wished for. But you really didn't have to spend so much money on it. It's just a game. Why do you have to waste so many gold ingot on a wedding? "

"I'm happy to know that you like it." Bluegreen-Clad said affectionately. "When we get married in real life, I'll give you a perfect wedding."

Zheng Xiaoguang had never expected him to suddenly mention this. She retorted bashfully, "I haven't promised to marry you in real life."

"Well, I can begin to prepare for it now and get ready for your arrival at any time," Bluegreen-Clad said smilingly.


① Husband-and-wife mode: The temple of the matchmaking G.o.d allows players to s.n.a.t.c.h the bride or the groom but does not allow the bride or the groom to force a PK fight on the s.n.a.t.c.her. Despite that, the bride and the groom can activate this husband-and-wife mode to attack the s.n.a.t.c.her together. In this mode, even if the s.n.a.t.c.her defeats the couple in the end, he or she can at most take away some properties.

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