78 Demon Lord Has A Hear

If you are looking for 78 Demon Lord Has A Hear you are coming to the right place. is a Webnovel created by . This lightnovel is currently . On the other side of the table, the other couple were observing the interactions of the newlyweds. Neil and Ellie was both shocked when they saw King laughed out of nowhere and allowed Violet to touch his body.

'What the f.u.c.k happened? First a new girl. Then now he's laughing?! The Iceberg is laughing?! No one will believe me if I chat the guys about it. They must see it with their own eyes. Should I take a video? Nope. Definitely not. I don't want to lose this free dinner. King even ordered the most expensive full course. Lucky! Eh? He's letting her touch him too! Did his OCD get cured out of the blue?! He never even let 'that woman' touch him before and now he's even enjoying Violet's touch?! How can he change in just a few weeks? I wish the guys were here sigh' thought Neil while monitoring the two.

In front of Neil, his wife was also bewildered with everything that happened tonight.

'Weird. He seemed to have finally became a human. Look! He's laughing. Initiating conversations. Very accommodating. Teasing someone. He haven't complained as much as he usually would. His tone of voice isn't scary, it's even gentle. Gone are his cold and threatening aura, replaced with warmth. He's talking in full sentences!!! But all of it was only towards one person, Violet! Impressive! So in a nutsh.e.l.l, the 'Immortal Iceberg' thawed and became human for her. Awww so sweet but once he talks to others he reverts back to his old self albeit a more toned down version of himself. Wow! as long as I'm within Violet's perimeter, the Demon Lord has a heart. Nice! I wish you'd come sooner Vy! Where were you all this years?!' thought Ellie as she glanced at the couple.

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The Jackman's thoughts were put an end when the next course arrived. The waiter placed the dish in each front of them. Tim approached to explain again.

"These here are the third course of the night, Soup. This is called 'Buddha Jumps Over The Wall' also known as 'Buddha's Temptation'. The whole dish is served in a Bocote Wood Soup Bowl placed on top of a polished slab of Jasper Stone. The Bowl was carved with intricate patterns and as you can see, on top of it's lid was a beautifully carved miniature Laughing Buddha" explained Tim beside Elleis who was cutely pointing to the man on the lid. Then Tim walked towards Violet.

"Esteemed Guests, may you please open the lids" instructed Tim as he look at everyone and waited for all of then to finish removing the lids.

"Inside is the soup made from a blend of j.a.panese Sea Cuc.u.mber, Quail Eggs, Scallops, Abalones, Ayam Cemani Chicken, Jamón Ibérico (Ham), Pork Tenderloin, Matsutake Mushrooms and 30-year-old Ginseng. Normally the soup contains a Shark's Fin but due to controversies surrounding it, the Chef instead opt for an alternative which is Bluefin Tuna. It takes two days to prepare. The soup gets its name from allegedly being so tasty that it would entice vegetarian monks to flee from their temples to enjoy the fishy and meaty concoction. Once again, please enjoy our third course of the night" Tim finished explaining and made himself scarce.

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